Maldini silences critics with goals against Reggina ROME, Oct 3 (Reuters) - Paolo Maldini proved he is still the man to lead AC Milan after scoring twice in his side's 2-1 win over Reggina at the weekend. The 37-year-old defender, who last month set a record for Serie A appearances, has scored just 27 goals in 20 seasons and has never previously scored twice in a game. His last Serie A goal dated back more than three years to Milan's 1-1 draw with Lazio in September 2002. "It doesn't often happen that I have so many chances to score, so I always try to make the most of the ones I get," Milan's skipper was quoted as saying in La Gazzetta dello Sport on Monday. It was the manner as much as the number of Maldini's goals that surprised Reggina on Sunday. He struck first in the fifth minute with a fine solo effort, nutmegging a defender before sweeping a shot off his less favoured right foot into the bottom corner of the net. His second goal, a quarter of an hour later, was the kind more usually associated with defenders -- a powerful header from a Rui Costa corner. Maldini's performance was the best possible answer to a growing band of critics who claim he is too old, too slow or simply too broken down to lead Milan's defence. A recurrent knee problem kept him out of Milan's line-up at the start of the season and prompted speculation that he might be preparing to call time on his career before his contract expires in June 2007. "I'm coming out of a tricky moment. If I'm out there on the pitch it means I'm in good shape," he said. "At the start of the season I was a little worried. Now, however, I can see that my condition is getting better. "The secret is the desire to get out there and play. For now, the little bit of cartilage that's still there is okay. We will try to make it last as long as possible.
" 在他所剩不多的職業生涯裡,自己做個小小的記錄 傳奇仍在繼續中

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B'z、宇多田光 強碟出輯業界鐵口直斷首周必破百萬張2005 年雖然已經過完四分之三, 但是日本樂壇火熱的發行才正開始。首先是超人(新聞、網站)氣搖滾雙人組 B'z ,將於 11 月 30 日發行收錄多首精采名曲的「 Pleasure II 」;B'z 是日本樂壇的銷售冠軍, 單曲、專輯總銷量高達 7200 張,加上在公信榜所創下的連續 35 張單曲和 18 張專輯的變態紀錄,B'z 在日本的地位可說是不動如山。而他們在 98 年發行「Pleasure 」和「 Treasure 」兩張精選, 創下超過 1000 萬張的恐怖銷售,所以「 Pleasure II 」的發行格外引人注目。由於前兩張分別使用金、銀兩種顏色來代表,這次則改用紅色,屆時必定引起一陣紅色風暴。除了精選集所收錄的 15 首作品都是傑作外,唱片公司將再出促銷奇招, 繼 7 年前的拼圖、撲克牌特典之後,這次特別於每張專輯附上一組密碼,讓樂迷可以上網下載一首未公開的演唱會(新聞、網站)畫面,全部共五首,這個舉動必定會讓死忠樂迷買翻天,而業界人士也相當看好這張的銷售,直言首週鐵定突破百萬。

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B'z The Best“PleasureII”

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你所擁有的足球影帶的數量。(DVD & VHS


沒有清楚數過正確數量, 錄影帶以98法國世界杯開始到歐洲國家杯的義大利國家隊還有AC米蘭的歐冠部分, 其他VHS還有PIPPO,馬隊還有96-97義甲賽季,貝克漢的英國原版VHS(某個BECKS狂的朋友送的:P), DVD有馬隊DVD,AC米蘭的歐冠之路02-03, MILANBLUE大姐方面借COPY的部分等等, VCD就更多啦,網路上下載的及VHS轉拷的比賽佔大部分, 總之都是有義大利國家隊或AC米蘭為中心來收集



2. 現在最想推(壓寶)的選手(不管是個人或是球隊通通都可以)


當然還是米蘭囉~雖然上賽季不盡如人意, 最近讓人心驚膽跳的轉會又讓人不捨一些球員的離去, 但對於這賽季的米蘭仍然信心滿滿, 期待新同學的加入讓下賽季的米蘭更美好




3. 最有印象的進球是?


近期的當然要大推馬隊長在歐冠決賽對利物浦上半場才開賽幾秒的破記錄進球囉!!! 那時半夜整個人突然大驚清醒過來, 朋友還紛紛來簡訊道賀, 平日冷靜優雅的隊長看起來也超級狂喜



4. 最喜歡、或是對其有著特別情緒的球員五名?


1. MALDINI— 94年世界杯的他讓我一見鐘情, 從此愛上足球! 去年在香港 , 今年在米蘭內洛看到隊長本人(還有合照XD)是我這輩子最美好的回憶之一

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