PAOLO MALDINI: 'I think that Kaka will remain at Milan'

6/2/2009 3:25:00 PM

MILAN - These are the declarations of Paolo Maldini, present today in Florence for a football tournament, where he received an award for his career and where his 13-year-old son Christian played and won the final against Fiorentina: "It's not easy to know what Kaka will do. I think that he will remain at Milan, but if Ancelotti was cryptic about his future, Kaka is even more."(ANSA)


MALDINI: 'I thank the city of Florence and the Viola public for the standing ovation'

6/2/2009 3:25:00 PM

MILAN - Paolo Maldini again: "I thank the city of Florence and the Viola public for the standing ovation, which I appreciated a lot. It was nice to be applauded by the entire stadium: I ended my career like I wanted. I'm happy about the manifestations of affection I received, both before and after the game. I will always carry with me the moments of two days ago." And on his future: "Now I go on holiday, then when I return in September we'll see how we'll re-organize my life." (ANSA).

九月度假回來會發生何事呢?無論如何, 夏季轉會風暴即將開始...orz



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