

Kaka, 2002 (EMPICS) 

27岁的卡卡在祖国巴西举行的一次记者会上正式对外宣布,自己已经完成转会皇马的全部工作。 27歲的卡卡在祖國巴西舉行的一次記者會上正式對外宣布,自己已經完成轉會皇馬的全部工作。 从现在开始,他将是弗洛伦蒂诺“银河战舰”上的一名新成员。從現在開始,他將是弗洛倫蒂諾“銀河戰艦”上的一名新成員。

“我的愿望是留在AC米兰,但席卷全球的经济危机已经严重地影响到了俱乐部的发展,尤其是对于AC米兰俱乐部。”卡卡在记者会上表示,“我与AC米兰的董事会进行过交流,大家一致的认为将我出售给皇马是解决问题的最好方法。” “我的願望是留在AC米蘭,但席捲全球的經濟危機已經嚴重地影響到了俱樂部的發展,尤其是對於AC米蘭俱樂部。”卡卡在記者會上表示,“我與AC米蘭的董事會進行過交流,大家一致的認為將我出售給皇馬是解決問題的最好方法。”

或许卡卡对于角色的转换还需要一些时间进行适应,然而既然已经成为了皇家马德里的一名新球员,卡卡自然也会不忘称赞一下新东家。或許卡卡對於角色的轉換還需要一些時間進行適應,然而既然已經成為了皇家馬德里的一名新球員,卡卡自然也會不忘稱讚一下新東家。 据悉卡卡在伯纳乌将身披齐达内退役后留下的5号战袍。據悉卡卡在伯納烏將身披齊達內退役後留下的5號戰袍。

“能够身披5号战袍意味着巨大的荣誉。无论在皇马还是法国国家队,齐达内都是一名优秀的球员,我本人不愿意用与其相同的号码。但最终结果如何,还需要进一步观察。” “能夠身披5號戰袍意味著巨大的榮譽。無論在皇馬還是法國國家隊,齊達內都是一名優秀的球員,我本人不願意用與其相同的號碼。但最終結果如何,還需要進一步觀察。”

“加盟皇马是无与伦比,与这支球队在一起,我们能赢得许多冠军头衔。”卡卡最后总结道。 “加盟皇馬是無與倫比,與這支球隊在一起,我們能贏得許多冠軍頭銜。”卡卡最後總結道。

Kaka: I Didn’t Want To Leave Milan But I’ll Win Titles With Real Madrid

Los Blancos’ new superstar has spoken following his highly anticipated move to the Spanish capital...

9 Jun 2009 02:16:28

kaka has finally addressed the press in Recife, Brazil following official confirmation of his €65 million transfer to Real Madrid from Milan.

The 27-year-old playmaker has revealed why he and the club decided to part company, while he also looked forward to a challenging future with Los Blancos.

"My desire was to stay at Milan, but the world financial crisis has affected a lot of clubs, especially Milan," he told the media.

"As such, I spoke with the Milan board and we concluded that the best thing for everyone would be to sell me." 

The Galactico Challenge

The playmaker had been expected to take over Zinedine Zidane's famous No. 5 jersey at the Santiago Bernabeu, but he has politely declined the offer.

"Using the No. 5 would be a big responsibility," he reasoned.

"Zidane was an excellent player for both Real Madrid and the French national team, and I would prefer not to use the same number as him. But let's wait a little longer before we decide.

"The challenge with Madrid is fascinating. I’m 27 years old and I’ve already conquered everything as a player. I will go there as one of the best in the world but I have not yet conquered anything there. It will be my new motivation.

“Together we will win many titles. The president [Florentino Perez] is still making contacts and continuing to develop a very competitive team so that we can become the champions of Spain and Europe again."

The Galactico Effect

Kaka then went on to reveal that his former team-mate and ex-Merengue superstar, David Beckham, had given him a few words of advice about the switch to the Spanish behemoths.

He said, “Beckham said to me that Real Madrid are a fantastic club to play for, and that it would help me grow even more as a player.

“I am excited to play alongside historical figures such as Raul and Iker Casillas, and I want to play a key role to help the club create history again.”

Finally, he admitted that the deal had been closed “a long time ago”, but he decided to wait until today to speak to the press after the clubs had released an official statement.

And he also had a parting message to Milan: “I will always be grateful to the club and to president Silvio Berlusconi, who provided me with a lot of happy memories.”

KS Leong, Goal.com


OFFICIAL: Kaka Signs For Real Madrid

The Brazilian has completed his long-anticipated move to the Merengues...

9 Jun 2009 01:00:20

Brazilian international Kaka has finally made the switch from AC Milan to Real Madrid.

The Spanish media have been claiming the deal, worth approximately €65 million, had been as good as done for some time, but it has now finally been confirmed by Real Madrid and AC Milan.

Real Madrid's statement read:

"Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite, Kaka, is a Real Madrid player after an agreement was reached with AC Milan. The Brazilian footballer has now successfully passed all medical tests. Kaka has signed a contract with Real Madrid for the next six seasons."

Meanwhile, AC Milan's statement read:

"From next season, Kaka will play at Real Madrid. Milan thank Kaka the man and the great champion for his decisive contribution to the many victories over the last six years.

"It will be very difficult to fill the void that Kaka will leave, as he is a shining example of commitment and professionalism. A. C. Milan, on behalf of the Rossoneri managers, players and supporters, send him the most cordial and affectionate wishes for the continuation of his sporting career."

The Move

Los Blancos gave Kaka a medical today, flying a doctor out to meet the former Sao Paulo man while he was on international duty with Brazil.

The deal was made official after the 27-year-old spoke with Milan president Silvio Berlusconi over the telephone, although Milan officials have been reluctantly admitting over the past few days that there was the possibility their player could leave the San Siro.

Kaka joined Milan in 2003, winning the Ballon d'Or during his time with the club and played a starring role in the 2004 Scudetto and 2007 Champions League triumphs.

Newly elected Real Madrid president Florentino Perez promised to bring in big names after taking over, in order to restore the club to it's former glory after their inability to challenge for Europe's top prize in recent seasons. It appears that Kaka was the first name on his list.

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